Thursday, June 13, 2013

Installing / Integrate VirtueMart with 2Checkout (2CO_VirtueMart2)

This post is intended for beginners or intermediates who are using Joomla 2.5 and trying to integrate virtumart and 2checkout. There isn't any clear documentation I found so thought of writing this for anyone who would need help to get around installing 2checkout for virtumart.

How to install / integrate VirtueMart with 2Checkout (2CO_VirtueMart2) in Joomla???

Firstly to start off with, 2checkout is a payment receiving and sending method similar to paypal but enables us to receive money from for countries (such as Sri Lanka) which paypal does not allow to receive money

Following are the steps to install and configure 2checkout. (Virtumart has to be installed prior to doing the following)

  1. Download the 2Checkout payment module at (VirtueMart version 2.0.x Settings)
  2. Extract the downloaded folder to your PC. You will find the following 4 items in the folder 
  3. Go to the following path in the above folder. administrator\language\en-GB and copy the two files in the folder
  4. Go to (FTP) your joomla website folder / host and scroll to the following path. /joomla/administrator/language/en-GB and paste or upload the copied files.
  5. Again do the same to the items in the plugins folder. Go to plugins\vmpayment\ and copy the tco folder
  6. Go to (FTP) your joomla website folder / host and scroll to the following path. /joomla/plugins/vmpayment and past or upload the tco folder
  7. Run the vm2_tco.sql file on your Joomla database. If your database makes use of prefixes on the tables, replace ##### with your prefix. (You can do this by opening the opening the sql file by using notepad. To get the prefix of your db go to your joomla site backend site->global configuration, and open the server tab. There you will find a section with database settings where the Database Tables Prefix is given)
  8. Now go to components -> virtumart 
  9. Under Shop -> Payment methods, click New.
  10. Enter Payment Name.
  11. Select Yes for Published.
  12. Enter Payment Description. Example: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, PIN Debit) and PayPal
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click Configuration.
  15. Enter your 2Checkout Seller ID. (2Checkout Account Number)
  16. Enter your 2Checkout Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)
  17. For demo sales set Sandbox to “Yes”. For live sales keep Sandbox at “No”.
  18. Click Save.

Hope this post helped!